Study: Patients With Endometriosis Report Relief From Cannabis
Women with endometriosis report that cannabis is most effective at self-managing their pain, according to data published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Australian researchers surveyed 484 endometriosis patients with regard to self-management strategies. Respondents reported that cannabis was the most effective option to relieve pain symptoms (rating a 7.6 on a 10-point scale). Among those who used cannabis, 77 percent reported being able to reduce their consumption of conventional medicines by at least 25 percent.
The use of either hemp oil or CBD extracts was self-reported by respondents to be the fourth most-effective self-management strategy (rating a 6.3 on a 10-point scale).
However, despite the subjective efficacy of cannabis and cannabis-related products, only a small percentage of those surveyed reported using them.
Authors concluded: “Cannabis, while only used by 13 percent of women in this survey, had the highest pain relief score and greatest reduction in medication usage of any strategy assessed. … [F]uture clinical trials in this area are required to determine any possible role in endometriosis management utilizing legally obtained and quality assured medicinal cannabis.”
read the full article at NORML