THC Detox: Drinks vs Pills What’s the Difference?

Do you need to pass a drug test out of the blue?

Maybe it’s for pre-employment, maybe to compete in a sport, or maybe you just want to detox THC to get your tolerance back (take a T-break). Regardless what your reasons are, you have many options.

Among the products you will find readily available on the internet there are a few common categories of ormulations. This article will focus on the main two: drinks and pills. Both have their place but they work in different ways depending on your personal needs and detox goals.

“The biggest factors on your road to THC detox are: size, age, gender, usage both frequency and product type, and time already abstinent. After you know about how much time you have, versus what you can expect to realistically accomplish it’s time to form a game plan. “

THC Detox Drinks
This is where knowing the different types of formulations come into play. THC Detox Drinks are typically “masking” agents. Meaning they don’t physically pull THC metabolites out of your system permanently but rather decrease the concentration found in your urine for a brief period through dilution. Sometimes that’s enough to work.

THC Detox Pills
This is where the pills come into play. Several THC detox pills have you take a specific number of capsules, daily for some period of time, sometimes multiple times a day, far prior to the test.

Permanent THC detox is what you want for the time being, to increase your body’s output of metabolites and elimination of them.

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