Tommy Chong Thinks the Government is Keeping the Black Market Alive

Canadian-born comedian and legendary cannabis culture icon, Tommy Chong, thinks the Canadian Government is keeping the black market alive–a major component of what cannabis legalization aimed to fizzle out.

In an interview with the Canadian Press and the Toronto Star, the jovial 80-year-old comic shared his two-cents about the results of Canada’s legalization rollout last October, and why he thinks the government-subsidized module is keeping the underground market in business.

Though Mr. Chong might be a naysayer on the execution of Canada’s legalization efforts, he understands why the nation took the route it did.

“That’s the Canadian way,” he said through a grin, “like when they legalized alcohol. What they did, the government took control of the monopoly, and you can only buy booze from the government. And the government is doing the same thing with pot, they wanna make it so that they’re the only supplier and it’s not going to work that way.”

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